Monday, December 26, 2011

This one is for you #2.

The beautiful people are:
1. Blatherskite.
2. Steven Reinhardt. (behind the scenes still from Brown Eyes film clip)
3 & 4.Danejer and The Tormentor at Cirque Du Monstre : Valve Bar.
5. Redoing past works. 
6. Nathan Kenna (Mother Eel) at East West Grind Fest.
7. Amazing front woman Phoebe Pinnock  at Heaven the Axe Album Launch, Bald Face Stag
8 & 9. The Spider and The Fly opening night at Midian 

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Samhain Hollows Four:

Find your unedited happy snaps here.

Talent are: 
Age of Menace
Cerebral Contortion
Unholy Vandetta

Friday, November 4, 2011


Deadhouse - Katatonia.

Somehow better without this
Headlights fuck the city
Somewhere i'm broken
No sensations nevermore

What do you say when you speak
I sense no time
Discouraged television sleep
Not awake until it's dark

Somehow i never leave
This deadhouse
Somehow i don't mind being gone
And if you think you've seen me
I have to prove you
That you're wrong

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Mish Album Launch.

First time in a while i've been to a gig that i've not see any of the bands live prior, I was completely impressed.
 For some unedited snaps of the night click here.

Talent are:
Nobody knew they were robots

Thursday, October 13, 2011

After Hours Day 1 & 2.

Studio lighting class learnt how to set up a high fashion shoot, for behind the scenes happy snaps click here

Sneak peek for a new direction in a current project of mine.

Talent are: Studio Direction A.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Tortured Album Launch @ The Basement,Canberra.

My best friend wanted a blog post about him, so here it is.
Thanks for letting me tag along, was a great night.

For those who missed it, Tortured are playing East West Grindfest. 

For actual pics of the gig click here.
Talent are:
As Silence Breaks
Order of Torment

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Monday, September 19, 2011

In The Night Garden

This was totally one of the "first" experiences lists, i'd never been part of a show like it and the first time i've had the chance to be "site specific" thank you to the lovely people who let me stick this through their window.

seems once the sun went down i should have thought about torch placement a bit more.

It was such a fantastic night with performance, video, music,sculpture,projections,photography,blacksmithing the fact that it went into the street / other spaces too, such a warming experience.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Studio Direction A : Little Blue Cup.

Some things that I have been working towards (still alot of editing to go),
white backgrounds aren't my forte, neither technical proficiency. Scheduled to do a reshoot today, 
let's see how that goes :)

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Do you like to Dancey Dance?

images: 1 : party house  2 : Josh "Flannie"
The "Party House" had a gathering to welcome "new" guests Nick and Elle by recreating The Something Experience's "Sparkle Party" . It was's now thursday and I still am plagued with glitter.
for more:

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Ouroboros @ The Gaelic Club/Vanessa's 22nd. Part I.

The other day  i was asked why i why i hold this band in such a high regard, so i complied a short summary of what i have learnt over the few years (but don't really need to share it here)
Unlike most bands in the "scene" they are truly a gift that keeps on giving and some of my fondest memories have been at these gigs from erina to canberra and various venues in between.

Conti, I'd like to thank you again for all you've done for me over these (approx. five) years.
You've seen me through high school, tafe and now i'm half way through my uni degree.
You've heard all my dreams/fears/failures (with music, art and general life ),encouraged and advised  me to be the best i can be and nothing less.
Not once have you raised your voice or put me down,even when i try my best to annoy you.
You brighten up even the most tedious of weeks just by playing that stupid riff.

Your time, patience and belief in me has made me shaped me into a better person and i am forever grateful for that.

Fifteen spoons for the fifteen awesome you are (This is me being the big spoon)

This is one of the few times in the year, where i'll pause and reflect on how much people do for me instead of how much i dislike humanity.
Thank you for those who have put up with me in my times of transition and of need. Your cuddles and support mean the world to me.

This small book of spoons shall be given to party kitten for his birthday.
Thank you for being such an amazing friend, "lecturer" and most importantly thank you for being yourself.
Thank you for your time, patience, adventures and help over these years I've known you.
Looking forward for the many more to come.